Retest-reliability and concurrent validity of the pressure air biofeedback device (pab®) for measuring handgrip strength in young healthy adults
Author/s: Stäuber A., Oeppert F., Nitzsche N., Pienaar AW., Naidoo R., Schulz H.
Year: 2019
Journal: Chemnitz University of Technology, Professorship of Sports Medicine / Sports Biology, Chemnitz, Germany / University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
Measurement tool used: KFORCE Bubble
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Purpose: Handgrip strength has clinical and prognostic value and can provide an indication of an individual’s overall strength. It also informs with regard to nutritional status, muscle mass, physical status, and health status. The pressure air biofeedback (pab®) device was developed to be used in a home or clinical testing environment for diagnosis of muscular strength with the possibility to assess handgrip strength. The aim of this study was to evaluate retest-reliability and concurrent validity of the pab® handgrip test.