The impact of the integration of the perineum and the self-enlargement of Docteur de Gasquet’s method on the pain and strength of the hip adductors in the case of AGP.
Author/s: Manon BERTAUD
Year: 2020
Journal: Département sciences de la motricité
Measurement tool used: KFORCE Muscle Controller
See full publication: : https://k-invent.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/BERTAUD-manon_kinésithérapie_2019-2020.pdf
Purpose :
Athletic Groin Pain is common in sports. The rehabilitation is focused on strengthening program for the muscles of the lower limb and included core stability exercises. All the structures around the pubic symphysis are covered except one : the perineum. The Doctor de Gasquet’s method consist of a work of the perineum in association with the
transversus muscle by the stretching of the spine. The aim of this study is to observe the impact of this method on the pain and the adductor strength for Athletic Groin Pain.