Effects of Ballet Training on Proprioception, Balance, and Rhythmic Synchronization of Young Children
Author/s: Dimitris Chatzopoulos
Year: 2019
Journal: Journal of Exercise Physiology online
Measurement tool used: KFORCE Plates
See full publication: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332465803_Effects_of_Ballet_Training_on_Proprioception_Balance_and_Rhythmic_Synchronization_of_Young_Children
Abstract : Chatzopoulos D. T Effects of Ballet Training on Proprioception, Balance, and Rhythmic Synchronization of Young Children. JEPonline 2019;22(2):26-37. Proprioception, balance, and rhythm are crucial factors for children’s motor development and the reduction of fall-related injuries. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of ballet training on these abilities in 7-yr old girls. The Treatment Group consisted of 21 girls who took part in a 3- month ballet training that consisted of 45 min∙session-1 , 2 times∙wk-1 , while the Control Group (18 girls) participated in regular physical education classes. Prior to and after the intervention, the subjects were assessed for proprioception (Angle Reproduction Test), balancing on one foot, and rhythmic synchronization at 120 and 80 beats∙min-1. The findings indicate that the Treatment Group did significantly better on proprioception, peak-to-peak amplitude of center of pressure (CoP) in the mediolateral direction, and rhythmic synchronization at 80 beats∙min-1. It may be concluded that ballet constitutes an effective activity for the development of young children’s proprioception, balance, and rhythmic synchronization.